Reduce the External as much as possible so that the Internal can expand into the vacated space. This is the Void. Empty of things but full of spirit. What Deleuze aptly called the Transcendental Field.
Imagine walking down the street minding your own business. You notice someone ahead looking lost. As you approach they politely ask directions. You graciously oblige. They thank you, exchange a few pleasantries, and head off with a new confidence. You continue on your way with a fuller heart. This is what life is all about: creating good feeling.
First principle of Taiji. Both imply letting go (desist resisting). Let what needs to happen happen.
Physically: let go tension and gravity will pull the body down to ground.
Mentally: let go self (importance) and the mind will expand (recede) into the back/ground – the ground of being – the ocean of consciousness.
Spiritually: let sparks of vitality emerge from the ocean and animate everything (you do).
First principle of Taiji. Both imply letting go (desist resisting). Let what needs to happen happen.
Physically: let go tension and gravity will pull the body down to ground.
Mentally: let go self (importance) and the mind will expand (recede) into the back/ground – the ground of being – the ocean of consciousness.
Spiritually: let sparks of vitality emerge from the ocean and animate everything (you do).
The incessant chatter in the head serves one purpose: to reinforce the sense of self, of separation.
Mind in dantian gets us out of the head and allows the self to slowly dissolve.
Natural mind is a site of awareness (connexion) rather than thinking (separation). The more energy you bring to that awareness the deeper you delve.
Mind in dantian gets us out of the head and allows the self to slowly dissolve.
Natural mind is a site of awareness (connexion) rather than thinking (separation). The more energy you bring to that awareness the deeper you delve.
If we identify with our ego – a particular, dissociated set of ideas – we turn the universe at large, and even our own intrusive thoughts and unwanted feelings, into oppressive tyrants. They become external factors that constrain and coerce us. If, on the other hand, we identify not with particular dissociated ideas but with consciousness itself – with that whose excitations give rise to all thoughts and feelings – we attain unfathomable metaphysical free will. This arises not from the power of the ego to control the world, but from the realization that we are the world.
—Bernardo Kastrup
The following realization rivals in its significance a religion: that once the background melody has been discovered one is no longer baffled in one’s speech and obscure in one’s decisions. There is a carefree security in the simple conviction that one is part of a melody, which means that one legitimately occupies a specific space and has a specific duty toward a vast work where the least counts as much as the greatest. Not to be extraneous is the first condition for an individual to consciously and quietly come into his own.
—Rainer Maria Rilke
When with a teacher worth their salt, just listen. What they tell
you is neither hearsay nor opinion. It is something they have either discovered for themselves or verified for themselves through hundreds of hours of practice. To either bolster or counter what they say with your opinion is both disrespectful and denigrating.