In Yoga they call this insight Bliss. In Taiji we simply call it Peace of Mind.
It is a product of Internal Work, especially Meditation.
Students believe it the end of the journey but really it is the beginning. The real journey never ends.
Relaxing the Body – relax, let the body be soft, the breath quiet; feel the connection of the body with the ground.
Quieting the Mind – the mind is quiet, eyes at the back of the head, the face soft, the back of the neck long and wide.
Intent – see the posture with your inner eye; imagine the pose.
Rooting – root the feet, activate the inner thighs, root the ball of the big toe.
Connecting – feel the connection from the rooting of the foot through the inner thighs to the belly, through the back and up to the top of the head. Bring the hands up from the feet or from the sitting bones. Keep the lower ribs connected to the hipbones; the back is neutral and quiet.
Breathing – watch the natural breath, inhale and bring the hands up, exhale and go into the pose.
Elongating & Expanding – the back is wide and long, the legs elongated.
—Orit Sen-Gupta, A Little Book of Yoga: The seven vital principles of practice, 2021
Back in Blakeney (~2002), John, trying to figure out why someone who did so much work was making so little progress, said to me: What's holding you back is your inability to visualise.
Visualisation is not seeing in the mind something that isn't there but using the imagination to see something you have been told is there but that you cannot sense yet. You could have been told by the teacher or, more commonly, if you are working, by your own intuition.
Visualisation is not seeing in the mind something that isn't there but using the imagination to see something you have been told is there but that you cannot sense yet. You could have been told by the teacher or, more commonly, if you are working, by your own intuition.
The meaning of life is to live, really live – become fully alive – wake up. This doesn't mean endlessly scurrying the plane of immanence in search of novelty (such would be decadence) but, through hard won inner silence, transcending & escaping that plane for depth – plumbing the abysses; ascending the peaks.